2 Courses / 7 Classes found

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MAT145: College Mathematics with Review – 5 credits

Working knowledge of college-level mathematics and its applications to real-life problems. Emphasis on understanding mathematical concepts and their applications. Topics include proportional reasoning, modeling, finance, probability, and statistics, along with review of arithmetic and introductory algebra, as needed. Prerequisites: None. Note: MAT145 students may receive credit for only one of the following: MAT140, MAT141, MAT142, MAT145, or MAT146. This course is designed for students that do not qualify for MAT141 or MAT142, but intend to complete MAT14+ College Mathematics for their degree path. Review of Basic Arithmetic and Introductory Algebra as needed.

General Education Designations: MA

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
Spring 2025
  • C. Anderson
Class Started
Contact Enrollment Services for Registration Assistance
    • Notes: Online classes do not meet at specific scheduled times. Students are required to have access to a computer or mobile device, and Internet access. CANVAS is used as the learning management system. You are required to log into CANVAS on the first day of class.
      Open Educational Resources (OER) are learning, teaching, and research materials in any format and medium that reside in the public domain or have an open license copyright that permits no-cost access, re-use, re-purpose, retention, redistribution, and adaptation by others.
      Zero-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of required online instructional materials for this "Z Class" is $0.
  • No books listed at the bookstore, contact instructor
Spring 2025
  • P. Flores
Class Started
Contact Enrollment Services for Registration Assistance
    • Notes: Online classes do not meet at specific scheduled times. Students are required to have access to a computer or mobile device, and Internet access. CANVAS is used as the learning management system. You are required to log into CANVAS on the first day of class.
      Open Educational Resources (OER) are learning, teaching, and research materials in any format and medium that reside in the public domain or have an open license copyright that permits no-cost access, re-use, re-purpose, retention, redistribution, and adaptation by others.
      Zero-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of required online instructional materials for this "Z Class" is $0.
  • Textbook info pending

MAT142: College Mathematics – 3 credits

Working knowledge of college-level mathematics and its applications to real-life problems. Emphasis on understanding mathematical concepts and their applications. Topics include proportional reasoning, modeling, finance, probability, and statistics. Note: MAT142 students may receive credit for only one of the following: MAT140, MAT141, MAT142, MAT145, or MAT146. Prerequisites: An appropriate District placement, or a grade of C or better in (MAT052, MAT053, and MAT055), or (MAT055, MAT056, and MAT057), or MAT085, or MAT09+, or MAT103, or MAT114, or MAT115, or MAT12+.

General Education Designations: MA

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
IE Bldg - Classroom IE-2212
In Person
Spring 2025
8:00AM – 9:15AM
  • L. Vingochea
No Seats Available
    • Notes: In Person classes meet face to face on campus in designated classrooms at specified dates and times. CANVAS is used as the learning management system.
      Open Educational Resources (OER) are learning, teaching, and research materials in any format and medium that reside in the public domain or have an open license copyright that permits no-cost access, re-use, re-purpose, retention, redistribution, and adaptation by others.
      Zero-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of required online instructional materials for this "Z Class" is $0.
  • No books listed at the bookstore, contact instructor
Spring 2025
  • S. Rajagopal
Class Started
Contact Enrollment Services for Registration Assistance
    • Notes: Online classes do not meet at specific scheduled times. Students are required to have access to a computer or mobile device, and Internet access. CANVAS is used as the learning management system. You are required to log into CANVAS on the first day of class.
      Open Educational Resources (OER) are learning, teaching, and research materials in any format and medium that reside in the public domain or have an open license copyright that permits no-cost access, re-use, re-purpose, retention, redistribution, and adaptation by others.
      Zero-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of required online instructional materials for this "Z Class" is $0.
  • No books listed at the bookstore, contact instructor
Spring 2025
  • C. Benavides
Class Started
Contact Enrollment Services for Registration Assistance
    • Notes: Online classes do not meet at specific scheduled times. Students are required to have access to a computer or mobile device, and Internet access. CANVAS is used as the learning management system. You are required to log into CANVAS on the first day of class.
      Open Educational Resources (OER) are learning, teaching, and research materials in any format and medium that reside in the public domain or have an open license copyright that permits no-cost access, re-use, re-purpose, retention, redistribution, and adaptation by others.
      Zero-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of required online instructional materials for this "Z Class" is $0.
  • Textbook info pending
Spring 2025
  • C. Benavides
No Seats Available
    • Notes: Online classes do not meet at specific scheduled times. Students are required to have access to a computer or mobile device, and Internet access. CANVAS is used as the learning management system. You are required to log into CANVAS on the first day of class.
      Open Educational Resources (OER) are learning, teaching, and research materials in any format and medium that reside in the public domain or have an open license copyright that permits no-cost access, re-use, re-purpose, retention, redistribution, and adaptation by others.
      Zero-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of required online instructional materials for this "Z Class" is $0.
  • No books listed at the bookstore, contact instructor
Spring 2025
  • C. Benavides
Class Started
Contact Enrollment Services for Registration Assistance
    • Notes: Online classes do not meet at specific scheduled times. Students are required to have access to a computer or mobile device, and Internet access. CANVAS is used as the learning management system. You are required to log into CANVAS on the first day of class.
      Open Educational Resources (OER) are learning, teaching, and research materials in any format and medium that reside in the public domain or have an open license copyright that permits no-cost access, re-use, re-purpose, retention, redistribution, and adaptation by others.
      Zero-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of required online instructional materials for this "Z Class" is $0.
  • No books listed at the bookstore, contact instructor