Help Searching for Classes
The keyword field performs 4 different case-insensitive searches based upon the search term entered:
- A valid course prefix and number combination (e.g. "MAT241") will return class sections for that course only.
- A valid specific course prefix only (e.g. "ART") will yield courses with that course subject prefix.
- A course number (e.g. "241") will return only courses with that course number.
- Any term not matching a known course prefix, course number, or course prefix/number combination will perform a general keyword search. Keywords match on full words only.
Course Subject
Finds courses with the selected course subject prefix.
Open Classes Only (default): limits results to classes with "Open" status under Availability.
All Classes: removes "Open Classes Only" courses Availability filter.
Limits to classes offered in a particular semester.
Show classes for a selected college.
More Options
Course Credits
Offers the option to limit results to "Non-Credit Only" or "Credit Only".
Meeting Days
Finds classes meeting on the selected days.
Meeting Times
Finds classes meeting during particular times of day.
Select the delivery method of the class’ instruction. Checkout the Class Formats page for details about these delivery methods.
Classes Starting After
Enter a date to limit to classes starting after the date. Format must match "MM/DD/YYYY".
Enter the last name of an instructor to find classes led by that person.
Textbook Cost
ZTC - Zero Textbook Cost: limit results to classes having no textbook costs.
LTC - Low Textbook Cost: limit results to classes with textbook costs $40 or lower.
OER - Open Educational Resources: limit results to classes using Open Educational Resources for course materials.
Show Only
Bachelor's upper-division classes: limit results to higher-level Bachelor's program classes.
Honors Classes: limit results to honors courses.
Multiple Attendance Options classes: limit search to classes with Multiple Attendance Options.
Open Entry/Open Exit Courses: limit results to Open Entry/Open Exit courses.
SUN System Courses: limits to courses having a corresponding SUN code.
Gen Ed Designations
Limit to classes that satisfy selected general education requirements.
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