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MAT206: Elements of Statistics – 3 credits

Basic concepts and applications of statistics, including data description, estimation and hypothesis tests. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in MAT14+, or MAT15+, or MAT187, or MAT188, or equivalent, or an appropriate District placement, or permission of Department/Division Chair.

General Education Designations: CS

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
CGCC Online
Summer 2025
  • E. Monroe
14 of 28 Seats Available
  • This course may require in-person testing; see note
    • Notes: Class is scheduled for Eight (8) Weeks
      This course may require one or more in-person proctored test(s) on date(s) listed in the syllabus. There may be an additional cost associated with taking the exam in-person off the campus where the class is offered.
    • Additional Notes: CGCC Note: Students will need a laptop to run statistical software. It is recommended that your laptop have 8 GB RAM, 128 GB SSD, and an i5 processor or better. Laptops are available for loan from the CGCC Library for the semester on a first-come-first-served basis.
      MAT206 is not recommended for students majoring in Business or Psychology.
      Log into Canvas by the class start date at https://learn.maricopa.edu