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EXS215: Resistance Training and Recovery Techniques – 3 credits

Fundamental methods for safe and effective instruction of resistance, functional, and athletic conditioning exercises. Application of foundational principles of physiology and kinesiology. Overview of warm-up, cooldown, and recovery techniques. A grade of C or better required in all Prerequisites. Prerequisites or Corequisites: EXS101 or permission of Instructor.

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
Fitness/Wellness Ctr. FW 527
Summer 2025
11:30AM – 1:30PM
  • Staff
6 of 12 Seats Available
    • Notes: HYBRID CLASS. Class meets in-person on campus on the designated days and times. Additional work will be required online.
      Class meets in FW-527 between 11:30-11:50 am and then moves to FW-500 for the duration of the class period.