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CHM151LL: General Chemistry I Laboratory – 1 credit

Laboratory experience in support of CHM150 or CHM151. Note: General Education Designation: Natural Sciences (Quantitative) - [SQ] in combination with: CHM150 or CHM151. Arizona Shared Unique Number SUN# CHM 1151 in combination with: CHM150 or CHM151. Student may receive credit for only one of the following: CHM150 and CHM151LL, or CHM151 and CHM151LL, or CHM150AA, or CHM151AA. A grade of C or better required in all Prerequisites. Prerequisites or Corequisites: CHM150 or CHM151.

General Education Designations: SQ

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
Chandler-Gilbert: Pecos Campus
Pecos Ironwood Hall Rm 203
In Person
Summer 2025
10:50AM – 1:30PM
  • B. Woodrum
6 of 16 Seats Available
  • Costs include CHM Course Fee: $25.00
    • Notes: This is the lab for CHM151 14846.
      Class is scheduled for Eight (8) Weeks
      Low-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of the required materials for this course is $40 or less.
      Class 14847 costs include CHM Course Fee: $25
  • Textbook info pending
Paradise Valley
H 127 - Lab
In Person
Summer 2025
12:30PM – 3:30PM
  • B. Boyd
19 of 24 Seats Available
  • Costs include CHM Course Fee: $35.00
    • Notes: Low-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of the required materials for this course is $40 or less.
      Zero-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of required online instructional materials for this "Z Class" is $0.
      Class 15689 costs include CHM Course Fee: $35
  • No books listed at the bookstore, contact instructor
In Person
Summer 2025
1:00PM – 5:00PM
  • E. Ong
8 of 14 Seats Available
  • Costs include CHM Course Fee: $30.00
    • Notes: Class Meets for Five (5) Weeks
      Class 14946 costs include CHM Course Fee: $30
    • Additional Notes: Enrollment in both a CHM150 or CHM151 Lecture class and a CHM151LL Laboratory class is required for Natural Sciences designation
  • Textbook info pending
In Person
Summer 2025
6:00PM – 10:00PM
  • Staff
14 of 14 Seats Available
  • Costs include CHM Course Fee: $30.00
    • Notes: Class Meets for Five (5) Weeks
      Class 15314 costs include CHM Course Fee: $30
    • Additional Notes: Enrollment in both a CHM150 or CHM151 Lecture class and a CHM151LL Laboratory class is required for Natural Sciences designation
  • Textbook info pending
Mesa: Dobson Campus
PS228 Chemistry Breakout Room
In Person
Summer 2025
7:10PM – 9:50PM
  • T. Windman
13 of 24 Seats Available
  • Costs include CHM Course Fee: $20.00
    • Notes: Low-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of the required materials for this course is $40 or less.
      Class 16117 costs include CHM Course Fee: $20
  • No books listed at the bookstore, contact instructor
Glendale: North Campus
GCC North D 122
In Person
Summer 2025
8:00AM – 11:20AM
  • C. Clark
9 of 24 Seats Available
  • Costs include CHM Course Fee: $25.00
    • Notes: In-Person Class
      Class meets face-to-face on campus at the designated days and times.
      Held at GCC North: 5727 West Happy Valley Road.
      Class 10096 starts one week before the campus official start date for Summer.
      Low-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of the required materials for this course is $40 or less.
      Class 10096 costs include CHM Course Fee: $25
PS 150
In Person
Summer 2025
10:30AM – 1:50PM
  • F. Mickadeit
15 of 24 Seats Available
  • Costs include CHM Course Fee: $25.00
    • Notes: In-Person Class
      Class meets face-to-face on campus at the designated days and times.
      Low-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of the required materials for this course is $40 or less.
      Class 16910 starts one week before the campus official start date for Summer.
      Class 16910 costs include CHM Course Fee: $25
Chandler-Gilbert: Pecos Campus
Pecos Ironwood Hall Rm 203
In Person
Summer 2025
10:50AM – 1:30PM
  • B. Woodrum
8 of 16 Seats Available
  • Costs include CHM Course Fee: $25.00
    • Notes: This is the lab for CHM151 14846.
      Class is scheduled for Eight (8) Weeks
      Low-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of the required materials for this course is $40 or less.
      Class 14848 costs include CHM Course Fee: $25
  • Textbook info pending
PS 150
In Person
Summer 2025
7:15PM – 10:35PM
  • M. Boling
12 of 24 Seats Available
  • Costs include CHM Course Fee: $25.00
    • Notes: In-Person Class
      Class meets face-to-face on campus at the designated days and times.
      Class 10095 starts one week before the campus official start date for Summer.
      Low-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of the required materials for this course is $40 or less.
      Class 10095 costs include CHM Course Fee: $25
Summer 2025
  • S. Lee
9 of 20 Seats Available
    • Notes: Class Meets for Five (5) Weeks
      Purchase of a lab kit is required. Please contact instructor.
      Flex Start Class
      Public Maricopa Community Colleges does not offer fully virtual / computer-based CHM laboratory experiences. Students in this section will be required to purchase distance-learning lab supplies and
      perform hands-on exercises that are equivalent to in-person lab sections.
    • Additional Notes: Enrollment in both a CHM150 or CHM151 Lecture class and a CHM151LL Laboratory class is required for Natural Sciences designation
  • Textbook info pending
Rio Salado
Online Class
Online : You can start on any Monday between dates:
Summer 2025
  • K. Jagiello
24 of 25 Seats Available
    • Notes: Sixteen (16) Week Class
      8-week class option available
      Lecture Component Recommended
      Rio Salado College has gone with Openstax format of textbook. The textbook for the course can be found through the following link at no charge for the electronic version and a nominal fee for the hard copy: https://cnx.org/contents/havxkyvS@9.560:uXg0kUa-@4/Introduction
    • Additional Notes: Maricopa does not offer fully virtual / computer-based CHM laboratory experiences. Students in this section will be required to purchase distance-learning lab supplies and perform hands-on exercises that are equivalent to in-person lab sections.
      Enrollment in both a CHM151 Lecture class and a CHM151LL Laboratory class is required for Natural Sciences designation. All lab activities are performed at home, which requires the purchase of a lab kit and procuring other student-purchased materials. The lab kit must be purchased at the bookstore. The class has a fee-based virtual lab as part of the coursework. A scientific calculator is required. A camera is required to paste photos into your lab reports. Laboratory software is required (instructions on how to purchase are included in tab procedure section of Lab 4). Microsoft Word is required.
Rio Salado
Online Class
Online : You can start on any Monday between dates:
Summer 2025
  • E. Canonico
24 of 25 Seats Available
    • Notes: Sixteen (16) Week Class
      8-week class option available
      Rio Salado College has gone with Openstax format of textbook. The textbook for the course can be found through the following link at no charge for the electronic version and a nominal fee for the hard copy: https://cnx.org/contents/havxkyvS@9.560:uXg0kUa-@4/Introduction
      Lecture Component Recommended
    • Additional Notes: Maricopa does not offer fully virtual / computer-based CHM laboratory experiences. Students in this section will be required to purchase distance-learning lab supplies and perform hands-on exercises that are equivalent to in-person lab sections.
      Enrollment in both a CHM151 Lecture class and a CHM151LL Laboratory class is required for Natural Sciences designation. All lab activities are performed at home, which requires the purchase of a lab kit and procuring other student-purchased materials. The lab kit must be purchased at the bookstore. The class has a fee-based virtual lab as part of the coursework. A scientific calculator is required. A camera is required to paste photos into your lab reports. Laboratory software is required (instructions on how to purchase are included in tab procedure section of Lab 4). Microsoft Word is required.
Rio Salado
Online Class
Online : You can start on any Monday between dates:
Summer 2025
  • Staff
23 of 25 Seats Available
    • Notes: Sixteen (16) Week Class
      8-week class option available
      Lecture Component Recommended
      Rio Salado College has gone with Openstax format of textbook. The textbook for the course can be found through the following link at no charge for the electronic version and a nominal fee for the hard copy: https://cnx.org/contents/havxkyvS@9.560:uXg0kUa-@4/Introduction
    • Additional Notes: Maricopa does not offer fully virtual / computer-based CHM laboratory experiences. Students in this section will be required to purchase distance-learning lab supplies and perform hands-on exercises that are equivalent to in-person lab sections.
      Enrollment in both a CHM151 Lecture class and a CHM151LL Laboratory class is required for Natural Sciences designation. All lab activities are performed at home, which requires the purchase of a lab kit and procuring other student-purchased materials. The lab kit must be purchased at the bookstore. The class has a fee-based virtual lab as part of the coursework. A scientific calculator is required. A camera is required to paste photos into your lab reports. Laboratory software is required (instructions on how to purchase are included in tab procedure section of Lab 4). Microsoft Word is required.
Rio Salado
Online Class
Online : You can start on any Monday between dates:
Summer 2025
  • S. McCarty
22 of 25 Seats Available
    • Notes: Eight (8) Week Class
      Lecture Component Recommended
      Rio Salado College has gone with Openstax format of textbook. The textbook for the course can be found through the following link at no charge for the electronic version and a nominal fee for the hard copy: https://cnx.org/contents/havxkyvS@9.560:uXg0kUa-@4/Introduction
    • Additional Notes: Maricopa does not offer fully virtual / computer-based CHM laboratory experiences. Students in this section will be required to purchase distance-learning lab supplies and perform hands-on exercises that are equivalent to in-person lab sections.
      Enrollment in both a CHM151 Lecture class and a CHM151LL Laboratory class is required for Natural Sciences designation. All lab activities are performed at home, which requires the purchase of a lab kit and procuring other student-purchased materials. The lab kit must be purchased at the bookstore. The class has a fee-based virtual lab as part of the coursework. A scientific calculator is required. A camera is required to paste photos into your lab reports. Laboratory software is required (instructions on how to purchase are included in tab procedure section of Lab 4). Microsoft Word is required.
Rio Salado
Online Class
Online : You can start on any Monday between dates:
Summer 2025
  • M. Schaab
25 of 25 Seats Available
    • Notes: Eight (8) Week Class
      Lecture Component Recommended
      Rio Salado College has gone with Openstax format of textbook. The textbook for the course can be found through the following link at no charge for the electronic version and a nominal fee for the hard copy: https://cnx.org/contents/havxkyvS@9.560:uXg0kUa-@4/Introduction
    • Additional Notes: Maricopa does not offer fully virtual / computer-based CHM laboratory experiences. Students in this section will be required to purchase distance-learning lab supplies and perform hands-on exercises that are equivalent to in-person lab sections.
      Enrollment in both a CHM151 Lecture class and a CHM151LL Laboratory class is required for Natural Sciences designation. All lab activities are performed at home, which requires the purchase of a lab kit and procuring other student-purchased materials. The lab kit must be purchased at the bookstore. The class has a fee-based virtual lab as part of the coursework. A scientific calculator is required. A camera is required to paste photos into your lab reports. Laboratory software is required (instructions on how to purchase are included in tab procedure section of Lab 4). Microsoft Word is required.
Rio Salado
Online Class
Online : You can start on any Monday between dates:
Summer 2025
  • S. McCarty
16 of 25 Seats Available
    • Notes: Sixteen (16) Week Class
      8-week class option available
      Lecture Component Recommended
      Rio Salado College has gone with Openstax format of textbook. The textbook for the course can be found through the following link at no charge for the electronic version and a nominal fee for the hard copy: https://cnx.org/contents/havxkyvS@9.560:uXg0kUa-@4/Introduction
    • Additional Notes: Maricopa does not offer fully virtual / computer-based CHM laboratory experiences. Students in this section will be required to purchase distance-learning lab supplies and perform hands-on exercises that are equivalent to in-person lab sections.
      Enrollment in both a CHM151 Lecture class and a CHM151LL Laboratory class is required for Natural Sciences designation. All lab activities are performed at home, which requires the purchase of a lab kit and procuring other student-purchased materials. The lab kit must be purchased at the bookstore. The class has a fee-based virtual lab as part of the coursework. A scientific calculator is required. A camera is required to paste photos into your lab reports. Laboratory software is required (instructions on how to purchase are included in tab procedure section of Lab 4). Microsoft Word is required.
Rio Salado
Online Class
Online : You can start on any Monday between dates:
Summer 2025
  • M. Schaab
22 of 25 Seats Available
    • Notes: Eight (8) Week Class
      Lecture Component Recommended
      Rio Salado College has gone with Openstax format of textbook. The textbook for the course can be found through the following link at no charge for the electronic version and a nominal fee for the hard copy: https://cnx.org/contents/havxkyvS@9.560:uXg0kUa-@4/Introduction
    • Additional Notes: Maricopa does not offer fully virtual / computer-based CHM laboratory experiences. Students in this section will be required to purchase distance-learning lab supplies and perform hands-on exercises that are equivalent to in-person lab sections.
      Enrollment in both a CHM151 Lecture class and a CHM151LL Laboratory class is required for Natural Sciences designation. All lab activities are performed at home, which requires the purchase of a lab kit and procuring other student-purchased materials. The lab kit must be purchased at the bookstore. The class has a fee-based virtual lab as part of the coursework. A scientific calculator is required. A camera is required to paste photos into your lab reports. Laboratory software is required (instructions on how to purchase are included in tab procedure section of Lab 4). Microsoft Word is required.
Rio Salado
Online Class
Online : You can start on any Monday between dates:
Summer 2025
  • Staff
25 of 25 Seats Available
    • Notes: Sixteen (16) Week Class
      8-week class option available
      Lecture Component Recommended
      Rio Salado College has gone with Openstax format of textbook. The textbook for the course can be found through the following link at no charge for the electronic version and a nominal fee for the hard copy: https://cnx.org/contents/havxkyvS@9.560:uXg0kUa-@4/Introduction
    • Additional Notes: Maricopa does not offer fully virtual / computer-based CHM laboratory experiences. Students in this section will be required to purchase distance-learning lab supplies and perform hands-on exercises that are equivalent to in-person lab sections.
      Enrollment in both a CHM151 Lecture class and a CHM151LL Laboratory class is required for Natural Sciences designation. All lab activities are performed at home, which requires the purchase of a lab kit and procuring other student-purchased materials. The lab kit must be purchased at the bookstore. The class has a fee-based virtual lab as part of the coursework. A scientific calculator is required. A camera is required to paste photos into your lab reports. Laboratory software is required (instructions on how to purchase are included in tab procedure section of Lab 4). Microsoft Word is required.
Rio Salado
Online Class
Online : You can start on any Monday between dates:
Summer 2025
  • G. Cox
24 of 25 Seats Available
    • Notes: Sixteen (16) Week Class
      8-week class option available
      Lecture Component Recommended
      Rio Salado College has gone with Openstax format of textbook. The textbook for the course can be found through the following link at no charge for the electronic version and a nominal fee for the hard copy: https://cnx.org/contents/havxkyvS@9.560:uXg0kUa-@4/Introduction
    • Additional Notes: Maricopa does not offer fully virtual / computer-based CHM laboratory experiences. Students in this section will be required to purchase distance-learning lab supplies and perform hands-on exercises that are equivalent to in-person lab sections.
      Enrollment in both a CHM151 Lecture class and a CHM151LL Laboratory class is required for Natural Sciences designation. All lab activities are performed at home, which requires the purchase of a lab kit and procuring other student-purchased materials. The lab kit must be purchased at the bookstore. The class has a fee-based virtual lab as part of the coursework. A scientific calculator is required. A camera is required to paste photos into your lab reports. Laboratory software is required (instructions on how to purchase are included in tab procedure section of Lab 4). Microsoft Word is required.