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MAT141: College Mathematics – 4 credits

Working knowledge of college-level mathematics and its applications to real-life problems. Emphasis on understanding mathematical concepts and their applications. Topics include proportional reasoning, modeling, finance, probability, and statistics. Note: MAT141 students may receive credit for only one of the following: MAT140, MAT141, MAT142, MAT145, or MAT146. Prerequisites: An appropriate District placement, or a grade of C or better in (MAT052, MAT053, and MAT055), or (MAT055, MAT056, and MAT057), or MAT085, or MAT09+, or MAT103, or MAT114, or MAT115, or MAT12+.

General Education Designations: MA

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
South Mountain
Summer 2025
  • M. Smith
8 of 24 Seats Available
    • Notes: This class is offered Online. Click the link to view a video on how the class will be
      held: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VE29UfWcGsQ What is an Online Class?
      Students are required to download and use Respondus LockDown Browser + Monitor which requires a webcam and microphone. Chromebooks do not support this software.
      Class Meets for Eight (8) Weeks
      Graphing Technology required for MAT141
      Low-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of the required materials for this course is $40 or less.
  • No books listed at the bookstore, contact instructor