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CHM151AA: General Chemistry I with Lab – 4 credits

Detailed study of principles of chemistry for science majors and students in pre-professional curricula. Note: Completion of all prerequisites within the last two years is recommended. Student may receive credit for only one of the following: CHM150 and CHM151LL, or CHM151 and CHM151LL, or CHM150AA, or CHM151AA. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in [(CHM130 and CHM130LL), or CHM130AA, or one year of high school chemistry taken within the last five years] and (a grade of C or better in MAT151 or higher level mathematics course, or satisfactory placement), or permission of the Instructor, or Department or Division Chair.

General Education Designations: SQ

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
South Mountain
Summer 2025
  • L. Dompier
15 of 24 Seats Available
    • Notes: This class is offered as Hybrid. Click the link to view a video on how the class will be
      held: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jokm4sOVdcU What is an Hybrid Class?
      Class Meets for Eight (8) Weeks
    • Lab Notes: Students enrolling in class 17094 must also enroll in the following lab:
      Class 17095 held Mon/Wed from 8:00AM to 10:30AM at (L. Dompier)
  • Textbook info pending