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ENG100AC: The Mechanics of Written English – 1 credit

Review of the mechanics of written English, including punctuation, arbitrary marks and usages, capitalization, agreement, tense, and sentence patterns. Prerequisites: Appropriate English placement test score, or a grade of "C" or better in ENG091 or ESL097, or permission of Instructor.

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
Paradise Valley
Summer 2025
  • K. Southerly
18 of 19 Seats Available
    • Notes: This English cohort is designed for the student who has a GPA less than 2.6 and scored a 3 or 4 on the Accuplacer test or less than 80 on the EdReady test. Students must enroll in both ENG101-13838 and ENG 100AC-13935 total of 4 credits.
      Online courses require reliable internet access. If you have not taken an online course or used the Canvas Classroom, please contact the PVCC Technology Help Desk for more information at 602.787.7780.

      Online classes do not meet at specific class times. Coursework must be completed according to deadlines. Students are required to have access to a computer or mobile device.
      Zero-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of required online instructional materials for this "Z Class" is $0.
    • Additional Notes: Zero-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of required online instructional materials for this "Z Class" is $0.
  • No books listed at the bookstore, contact instructor