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CIS214DA: Advanced Excel for Data Analytics – 3 credits

Advanced Excel spreadsheet features for data analytics including advanced functions, PivotTables, Data Modelling, Dashboard creation and forecasting for Business Intelligence (BI). Includes capstone project of an interactive dashboard using a multi-table Excel Data Model. Note: A basic of understanding of statistics is required. A grade of C or better required in all Prerequisites. Prerequisites or Corequisites: [CIS114DE and (CIS117DM or CIS276DA or CIS276DB)], or permission of Instructor.

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
Summer 2025
  • Staff
24 of 24 Seats Available
    • Notes: Students taking this class have access to Gateway's on-campus Advanced Cyber Systems Lab (MA2108) to supplement their learning with hands-on activities and in-person tutoring.
      The class does not have a specific meeting schedule. However, students may be required to meet virtually with the instructor and/or classmates at agreed-upon dates and times throughout the course. Students are required to have access to a computer or mobile device, and Internet access. CANVAS is used as the learning management system.

      Students not logging into CANVAS on the first day of class may be withdrawn.
  • Textbook info pending