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BIO156: Introductory Biology for Allied Health – 4 credits

An introductory biology course for allied health majors with an emphasis on humans. Topics include fundamental concepts of cell biology, histology, microbiology, and genetics. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in RDG100, or RDG100LL, or higher, or eligibility for CRE101. One year of high school or one-semester of college level chemistry is strongly recommended.

General Education Designations: SQ

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
Glendale: North Campus
GCC North D 123
In Person
Summer 2025
1:15PM – 3:15PM
  • G. Gordon
23 of 24 Seats Available
  • Costs include BIO Course Fee: $85.00
    • Notes: Held at GCC North: 5727 West Happy Valley Road.
      Class 10517 costs include BIO Course Fee: $85
    • Lab Notes: Students enrolling in class 10517 must also enroll in the following lab:
      Class 10518 held Tue/Wed/Thu from 3:30PM to 6:20PM at GCN D 121 (G. Gordon)
LS 104
Summer 2025
11:00AM – 1:00PM
  • E. Gergus
27 of 48 Seats Available
  • Costs include BIO Course Fee: $85.00
    • Notes: HYBRID
      Class meets in-person on campus on the designated days and times. Additional work will be required online.
      Class 10525 costs include BIO Course Fee: $85
    • Lab Notes: Students enrolling in class 10525 must also enroll in one of the following labs:
      Class 10526 held Tue/Wed/Thu from 8:00AM to 10:50AM at LS 303 (E. Gergus)
      Class 10532 held Tue/Wed/Thu from 1:30PM to 4:20PM at LS 303 (E. Gergus)
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • K. Kaus
1 of 24 Seats Available
  • Costs include BIO Course Fee: $70.00
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Class 10506 costs include BIO Course Fee: $70
    • Lab Notes: Students enrolling in class 10506 must also enroll in the following lab:
      Class 10507 held Online (K. Kaus) (CLOSED/FULL)