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ENV101: Introduction to Environmental Science – 4 credits

Introduces the interconnected nature of environmental science and solutions to environmental issues.
Prerequisites: None.

General Education Designations: SQ

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
Chandler-Gilbert: Pecos Campus
Pecos Saguaro Hall Rm 105
Hybrid In-Person
Spring 2025
7:00AM – 8:15AM
  • C. Adlof
Class Started
Contact Enrollment Services for Registration Assistance
  • Costs include ENV Course Fee: $20.00
    • Notes: Hybrid classes combine a reduced amount of scheduled classroom time with required out-of-class learning activities, typically conducted online.
      Open Educational Resources (OER) are learning, teaching, and research materials in any format and medium that reside in the public domain or have an open license copyright that permits no-cost access, re-use, re-purpose, retention, redistribution, and adaptation by others.
      Field Trip Included in Class
      For honors option see ENV 101 32752.
      In this course, in-class meeting times are used for active learning, such as discussions, and similar activities, such as labs. Other activities, such as self-directed lectures and independent labs may be assigned at home.
      Class 24228 costs include ENV Course Fee: $20
    • Lab Notes: Students enrolling in class 24228 must also enroll in the following lab:
      Class 24229 held from (TBA) to (TBA) at CGC ONLINE (C. Adlof)
  • Textbook info pending
Chandler-Gilbert: Pecos Campus
Pecos Saguaro Hall Rm 105
Hybrid In-Person
Spring 2025
7:00AM – 8:15AM
  • C. Adlof
No Seats Available
  • Costs include ENV Course Fee: $20.00
    • Notes: Hybrid classes combine a reduced amount of scheduled classroom time with required out-of-class learning activities, typically conducted online.
      Open Educational Resources (OER) are learning, teaching, and research materials in any format and medium that reside in the public domain or have an open license copyright that permits no-cost access, re-use, re-purpose, retention, redistribution, and adaptation by others.
      Field Trip Included in Class
      Honors Option Section: Limited seats reserved for CGCC Honors Program Students only. Honors Advisor signature required.
      This is the honors option for ENV 101 24228.
      In this course, in-class meeting times are used for active learning, such as discussions, and similar activities, such as labs. Other activities, such as self-directed lectures and independent labs may be assigned at home.
      Class 32752 costs include ENV Course Fee: $20
    • Lab Notes: Students enrolling in class 32752 must also enroll in the following lab:
      Class 32753 held from (TBA) to (TBA) at CGC ONLINE (C. Adlof) (CLOSED/FULL)
  • Textbook info pending