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EEE202: Circuits and Devices – 5 credits

Introduction to circuits and devices. Component models, transient analysis, steady state analysis, Laplace transform, and active and passive filter networks. Prerequisites: None. Corequisites: (PHY116, or PHY131, or permission of Instructor or Division or Department Chair) and (MAT276 or permission of Instructor or Division or Department Chair).

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
CGCC Online
Summer 2025
  • B. Matar
4 of 22 Seats Available
  • Costs include EEE Course Fee: $25.00
    • Notes: Log into Canvas by the class start date at https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Students will be required to pick up the hardware kit for the course from the college the first week of classes for free.
      Class is scheduled for Eight (8) Weeks
      Zero-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of required online instructional materials for this "Z Class" is $0.
      Class 14849 costs include EEE Course Fee: $25
    • Lab Notes: Students enrolling in class 14849 must also enroll in the following lab:
      Class 14850 held Online (B. Matar)
    • Additional Notes: EEE 202 at CGCC transfers as EEE 202 at ASU, as ECE220 at Uof A, as EE 188 at NAU and EEE 202 at GCU.
  • Textbook info pending
CGCC Online
Summer 2025
  • B. Matar
10 of 22 Seats Available
  • Costs include EEE Course Fee: $25.00
    • Notes: Log into Canvas by the class start date at https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Students will be required to pick up the hardware kit for the course from the college the first week of classes for free.
      Class is scheduled for Eight (8) Weeks
      Zero-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of required online instructional materials for this "Z Class" is $0.
      Class 14872 costs include EEE Course Fee: $25
    • Lab Notes: Students enrolling in class 14872 must also enroll in the following lab:
      Class 14873 held Online (B. Matar)
    • Additional Notes: EEE 202 at CGCC transfers as EEE 202 at ASU, as ECE220 at Uof A, as EE 188 at NAU and EEE 202 at GCU.
  • Textbook info pending