41 Courses / 83 Classes found

Search Results

AJS101: Introduction to Criminal Justice – 3 credits

An introduction to crime and society's responses to it. Examines the nature and causes of crime, the criminal law, constitutional safeguards, and the organization and operation of the criminal justice system including the police, courts, jails, prisons, probation and parole departments, and community corrections agencies. Covers the history of the criminal justice system, terminology and career opportunities. Prerequisites: None.

General Education Designations: SB

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • G. Stephens
16 of 20 Seats Available
  • Costs include AJS Course Fee: $2.00
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Class 10561 costs include AJS Course Fee: $2
  • Textbook info pending
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • G. Stephens
13 of 20 Seats Available
  • Costs include AJS Course Fee: $2.00
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Class 10563 costs include AJS Course Fee: $2
  • Textbook info pending

AJS225: Criminology – 3 credits

Study of deviance, society's role in defining behavior; theories of criminality and the economic, social, and psychological impact of crime; relationships between statistics and crime trends. Examines crime victimization and the various types of crime and categories of offenders. Required in the AJS curriculum. Prerequisites: None.

General Education Designations: SB

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • G. Stephens
15 of 20 Seats Available
  • Costs include AJS Course Fee: $4.00
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Class 10567 costs include AJS Course Fee: $4
  • Textbook info pending

AJS258: Victimology and Crisis Management in Public Safety – 3 credits

Victimology, the criminal justice system, techniques of crisis intervention and management, and the importance of a multicultural and global perspective. Includes violent crimes, sexual assault, family violence, post-traumatic stress disorder, the role of substance abuse, developing effective coping skills of victims and responders, appropriate community resources, and the cultural responsiveness of the justice system.

General Education Designations: C, SB

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • J. Lowe
15 of 20 Seats Available
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
  • Textbook info pending

ASB211: Women Across Cultures – 3 credits

Cross-cultural analysis of the economic, social, political, and religious factors that affect women's status in traditional and modern societies. Prerequisites: None.

General Education Designations: G, HU, SB

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • I. Naim
14 of 24 Seats Available
    • Notes: 5-week class
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Low-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of the required materials for this course is $40 or less.

ASB222: Buried Cities and Lost Tribes: Old World – 3 credits

Introduction to archaeology through discoveries and the researchers who made them. Emphasis on methods of archaeological fieldwork and what these discoveries reveal about humanity, including the nature of archaeological inquiry, the development of human social groups, the changing role of religion in evolving societies, the origins of agriculture, the origins of settled life ways, the rise of cities and complex societies, political strife across different cultures and the forces which tend to fragment societies. Examples drawn from Africa, Asia, Europe, the Pacific Islands, and Australia. Prerequisites: None.

General Education Designations: G, H, HU, SB

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • D. Wheeler III
12 of 24 Seats Available
    • Notes: 5-week class
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Class 10439 suggested for students who need a flexible schedule, but have a strong time management and organizational skills. You must have access to and be proficient with Microsoft Office (especially Word and PowerPoint) and a web browser.
      Low-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of the required materials for this course is $40 or less.
  • No books listed at the bookstore, contact instructor

ASB223: Buried Cities and Lost Tribes: New World – 3 credits

Introduction to archaeology through discoveries and the researchers who made them. Emphasis on methods of archaeological fieldwork and what these discoveries reveal about humanity, including the nature of archaeological inquiry, the development of human social groups, the changing role of religion in evolving societies, the origins of agriculture, the origins of settled life ways, the rise of cities and complex societies, political strife across different cultures and the forces which fragment societies. Examples drawn from North America, Central America, and South America. Prerequisites: None.

General Education Designations: G, H, HU, SB

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • D. Wheeler III
17 of 24 Seats Available
    • Notes: 5-week class
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      It is suggested for students who need a flexible schedule, but have a strong time management and organizational skills. You must have access to and be proficient with Microsoft Office ( especially Word and Power Point) and a web browser.
      Low-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of the required materials for this course is $40 or less.
  • No books listed at the bookstore, contact instructor

ASM104: Bones, Stones, and Human Evolution – 4 credits

Study of human evolution and variation; including fossil hominids and their tools, primate anatomy and behavior, human genetics, and the environment and human biology. Prerequisites: None.

General Education Designations: SB, SG

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • J. Murray
16 of 24 Seats Available
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Flex Start Class
      8-week class
      Low-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of the required materials for this course is $40 or less.
  • No books listed at the bookstore, contact instructor
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • M. Elmer
7 of 24 Seats Available
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Zero-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of required online instructional materials for this "Z Class" is $0.

ASM275: Forensic Anthropology – 4 credits

Survey of the role of forensic anthropologists, from the crime scene to the courtroom. Course focuses on how skeletal analysis can aid in medicolegal investigations, especially by identifying aspects of the life history of unknown individuals and by reconstructing events that took place at crime scenes. Covers both the legal aspects of forensic practice and the underlying biological basis for evidence obtained from skeletal remains. Examines applications of forensic anthropology in mass disasters, human rights investigations, and the deciphering of historic cases. Lab activities designed to illustrate techniques and principles central to the discipline. Prerequisites: None.

General Education Designations: SB, SG

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • J. Murray
17 of 24 Seats Available
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Flex Start Class
      8-week class
      Low-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of the required materials for this course is $40 or less.
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • L. Spencer
11 of 24 Seats Available
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Low-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of the required materials for this course is $40 or less.
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • L. Spencer
22 of 24 Seats Available
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Low-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of the required materials for this course is $40 or less.

BHS150: Introduction to Behavioral Health and Social Services – 3 credits

Survey of the behavioral health and social services professions, including scope of practice and training requirements. Exploration of employment opportunities in the field and self-assessment/academic planning for a career in mental health. Overview of mental health disorders and first responder skills in a mental health crisis situation. Prerequisites: None.

General Education Designations: H, SB

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • W. Beverly
12 of 24 Seats Available
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Low-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of the required materials for this course is $40 or less.
    • Additional Notes: #CLS# Fee: $40 covers the cost of the textbook that is embedded in the course.

      Approved by AzPost for 40 hours of continual education. Meets requirements for 40 hours by the AzBBHE

      Students who pass the exam with 80% or more will be eligible for a three-year certification in Mental Health First Aid (MHFA).Certification requires eight hours of In Person Training.
  • Textbook info pending
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • K. Villa
22 of 24 Seats Available
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Low-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of the required materials for this course is $40 or less.
    • Additional Notes: #CLS# Fee: $40 covers the cost of the textbook that is embedded in the course.

      Approved by AzPost for 40 hours of continual education. Meets requirements for 40 hours by the AzBBHE

      Students who pass the exam with 80% or more will be eligible for a three-year certification in Mental Health First Aid (MHFA).Certification requires eight hours of In Person Training.
  • Textbook info pending

BHS155: Professional Resiliency and Well-Being – 3 credits

Exploration of building human resilience and well-being to prevent burnout, traumatic stress, and compassion fatigue for social services and mental health professionals, healthcare providers, emergency first responders, and other relationship-intense occupations. Causes, symptoms, and effects of traumatic stress, burnout compassion fatigue and other work-related stress. Focus on enhancing quality of life and improving a healthy lifestyle by incorporating evidenced-based practices in psychological and emotional resilience training, cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness, positive psychology, prevention, peer support, and self-care, including nutrition, exercise, and sleep.
Prerequisites: None.

General Education Designations: SB

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • S. Padelford
14 of 24 Seats Available
  • Costs include BHS Course Fee: $40.00
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Low-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of the required materials for this course is $40 or less.
      Class 10141 costs include BHS Course Fee: $40
    • Additional Notes: Students who pass the class and the final exam with 80% or more will be eligible to become a Certified Professional Resilience and Wellness Technician with the National Institute of Behavioral Medicine and a Certified Resilience Professional with the Trauma Institute International.
  • No books listed at the bookstore, contact instructor
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • S. Padelford
21 of 24 Seats Available
  • Costs include BHS Course Fee: $40.00
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Low-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of the required materials for this course is $40 or less.
      Class 10148 costs include BHS Course Fee: $40
    • Additional Notes: Students who pass the class and the final exam with 80% or more will be eligible to become a Certified Professional Resilience and Wellness Technician with the National Institute of Behavioral Medicine and a Certified Resilience Professional with the Trauma Institute International.
  • No books listed at the bookstore, contact instructor

BHS175: Trauma-Informed Care and Recovery Treatment – 3 credits

Comprehensive overview of various types of trauma, neurobiological effects of traumatic stress, and ethics associated in working with a trauma survivor. Concepts and skills needed to become a fully functioning trauma-informed caregiver professional in the mental health and primary care setting.
Prerequisites: None.

General Education Designations: SB

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • J. Remy
15 of 24 Seats Available
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Low-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of the required materials for this course is $40 or less.
  • No books listed at the bookstore, contact instructor

BHS210: Addictions, Substance Use Disorders, and Recovery – 3 credits

Introduction to the historical and current developments in the field of addiction, as well as sociological, psychological, and physiological aspects of addictive behaviors and substance use. Introduces contemporary treatment methods within addiction practice, including self-help groups, levels of care, symptom identification, and models of prevention, and intervention. Examines factors that predict relapse and support recovery.
Prerequisites: None.

General Education Designations: SB

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • D. Fragnito
No Seats Available
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
  • Textbook info pending
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • K. Villa
17 of 24 Seats Available
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
  • Textbook info pending

CFS112: Personal Growth and Family Relations – 3 credits

Personal development as related to the individual, the family, and their relations. Emphasis on interpersonal family relationships. Skills and techniques to facilitate and strengthen the individual and family relationships. Prerequisites: None.

General Education Designations: SB

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • G. Weatherly
18 of 24 Seats Available
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
  • No books listed at the bookstore, contact instructor

CFS157: Marriage and Family Life – 3 credits

Study of marriage and the family as a social system, including models of family analysis, intrapersonal and interpersonal relations, and cross-cultural and historical patterns. Prerequisites: None.

General Education Designations: SB

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • T. LeBaron
20 of 24 Seats Available
  • Costs include CFS Course Fee: $20.00
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Class 10466 costs include CFS Course Fee: $20
  • No books listed at the bookstore, contact instructor

CFS176: Child Development – 3 credits

Study of the science of human development from conception through adolescence. Includes observation skills, parent and adult roles in the lives of children, and contemporary issues. Prerequisites: None.

General Education Designations: SB

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • J. Basham
6 of 24 Seats Available
  • Costs include CFS Course Fee: $20.00
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Class 10463 costs include CFS Course Fee: $20
  • No books listed at the bookstore, contact instructor
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • J. Basham
17 of 24 Seats Available
  • Costs include CFS Course Fee: $20.00
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Class 10476 costs include CFS Course Fee: $20
  • No books listed at the bookstore, contact instructor
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • G. Weatherly
22 of 24 Seats Available
  • Costs include CFS Course Fee: $20.00
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Class 10496 costs include CFS Course Fee: $20
  • No books listed at the bookstore, contact instructor

CFS205: Human Development – 3 credits

Explores the growth and development process over the human life span. Research and theoretical approaches; physical, cognitive, social, and personality development from birth through adulthood and death. Prerequisites: None.

General Education Designations: SB

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • G. Weatherly
12 of 20 Seats Available
  • Costs include CFS Course Fee: $20.00
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Class 10467 costs include CFS Course Fee: $20
  • No books listed at the bookstore, contact instructor

COM100: Introduction to Human Communication – 3 credits

Introduces the theory and practice of human communication. Surveys communication topics related to interpersonal, small group, and public communication. Prerequisites: None.

General Education Designations: SB

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
LA 107
Summer 2025
9:10AM – 10:25AM
  • Staff
23 of 24 Seats Available
LA 101
Summer 2025
11:20AM – 1:20PM
  • Staff
20 of 24 Seats Available
LA 101
Summer 2025
6:00PM – 8:45PM
  • S. Diggs
23 of 24 Seats Available
Summer 2025
9:10AM – 11:10AM
  • C. Walls
21 of 24 Seats Available
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • K. Shufford
4 of 24 Seats Available
  • Costs include COM Course Fee: $3.00
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Class 10110 costs include COM Course Fee: $3
  • No books listed at the bookstore, contact instructor
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • R. Alexander-Arntson
21 of 24 Seats Available
  • Costs include COM Course Fee: $3.00
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Low-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of the required materials for this course is $40 or less.
      Class 10121 costs include COM Course Fee: $3
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • K. Shufford
11 of 24 Seats Available
  • Costs include COM Course Fee: $3.00
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Class 10123 costs include COM Course Fee: $3
  • No books listed at the bookstore, contact instructor
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • K. Shufford
19 of 24 Seats Available
  • Costs include COM Course Fee: $3.00
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Class 10124 costs include COM Course Fee: $3
  • No books listed at the bookstore, contact instructor
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • D. Kloeber
18 of 24 Seats Available
  • Costs include COM Course Fee: $3.00
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Class 10130 costs include COM Course Fee: $3
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • D. Kloeber
16 of 24 Seats Available
  • Costs include COM Course Fee: $3.00
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Class 10135 costs include COM Course Fee: $3

COM110: Interpersonal Communication – 3 credits

Theory and practice of communication skills which affect day-to-day interactions with other persons. Topics may include using verbal and nonverbal symbols, interactive listening, resolving interpersonal conflict, developing and maintaining personal and professional relationships. Prerequisites: None.

General Education Designations: SB

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
LA 107
Summer 2025
9:10AM – 11:10AM
  • Staff
21 of 24 Seats Available
LA 107
Summer 2025
11:20AM – 1:20PM
  • C. Walls
17 of 24 Seats Available
  • Costs include COM Course Fee: $3.00
    • Notes: 4-week class
      Class meets in-person on campus on the designated days and times. Additional work will be required online.
      Class 10111 costs include COM Course Fee: $3
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • K. Shineman
16 of 24 Seats Available
  • Costs include COM Course Fee: $3.00
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Class 10101 costs include COM Course Fee: $3
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • K. Shineman
24 of 24 Seats Available
  • Costs include COM Course Fee: $3.00
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Low-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of the required materials for this course is $40 or less.
      Class 10108 costs include COM Course Fee: $3
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • K. Feld
24 of 24 Seats Available
  • Costs include COM Course Fee: $3.00
    • Notes: ACE Students only
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Class 10126 costs include COM Course Fee: $3
  • No books listed at the bookstore, contact instructor
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • K. Feld
19 of 24 Seats Available
  • Costs include COM Course Fee: $3.00
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Class 10137 costs include COM Course Fee: $3
  • No books listed at the bookstore, contact instructor

COM230: Small Group Communication – 3 credits

Principles and processes of small groups and development of skills for participation and leadership in small group settings. Practice in problem solving, decision making, and information sharing. Prerequisites: None.

General Education Designations: SB

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • K. Sindel
15 of 24 Seats Available
  • Costs include COM Course Fee: $3.00
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Class 10113 costs include COM Course Fee: $3

COM263: Elements of Intercultural Communication – 3 credits

Diverse cultural contexts are explored through basic concepts, principles, and theories of intercultural communication. Discovering effective interaction and appropriate communication in a global community is emphasized.
Prerequisites: None.

General Education Designations: C, G, SB

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • K. Feld
16 of 24 Seats Available
  • Costs include COM Course Fee: $3.00
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Class 10106 costs include COM Course Fee: $3
  • No books listed at the bookstore, contact instructor

ECN211: Macroeconomic Principles – 3 credits

A descriptive analysis of the structure and functioning of the American economy. Emphasis on basic economic institutions and factors that determine national income and employment levels. Consideration given to the macroeconomic topics of national income, unemployment, inflation and monetary and fiscal policies. Prerequisites: None.

General Education Designations: SB

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
CL 14
In Person
Summer 2025
9:10AM – 11:20AM
  • P. Minarik
22 of 24 Seats Available
    • Notes: 5-week class
      In-Person Class
      Class meets face-to-face on campus at the designated days and times.
      Zero-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of required online instructional materials for this "Z Class" is $0.
    • Additional Notes: Recommendations: Eligibility for ENG101 and MAT122.
  • No books listed at the bookstore, contact instructor
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • D. Zhosan
12 of 24 Seats Available
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      8-week class
      Low-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of the required materials for this course is $40 or less.
      Students need to be seen for presentations or to show work. This class requires the use of a computer or mobile device with Internet access, a webcam, speakers, and microphone.
    • Additional Notes: Recommendations: Eligibility for ENG101 and MAT122.
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • S. Radisich
15 of 24 Seats Available
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Flex Start Class
      5-week class
      Students need to be seen for presentations or to show work. This class requires the use of a computer or mobile device with Internet access, a webcam, speakers, and microphone.
      Zero-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of required online instructional materials for this "Z Class" is $0.
    • Additional Notes: Recommendations: Eligibility for ENG101 and MAT122.
  • No books listed at the bookstore, contact instructor

ECN212: Microeconomic Principles – 3 credits

Microeconomic analysis including the theory of consumer choice, price determination, resource allocation and income distribution. Includes non-competitive market structures such as monopoly and oligopoly; and the effects of government regulation. Prerequisites: None.

General Education Designations: SB

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
CL 14
In Person
Summer 2025
11:20AM – 1:20PM
  • P. Minarik
18 of 24 Seats Available
    • Notes: 5-week class
      In-Person Class
      Class meets face-to-face on campus at the designated days and times.
      Zero-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of required online instructional materials for this "Z Class" is $0.
    • Additional Notes: Recommendations: Eligibility for ENG101 and MAT122.
  • No books listed at the bookstore, contact instructor
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • D. Zhosan
12 of 24 Seats Available
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      8-week class
      Low-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of the required materials for this course is $40 or less.
      Students need to be seen for presentations or to show work. This class requires the use of a computer or mobile device with Internet access, a webcam, speakers, and microphone.
    • Additional Notes: Recommendations: Eligibility for ENG101 and MAT122.
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • S. Radisich
18 of 24 Seats Available
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Flex Start Class
      5-week class
      Students need to be seen for presentations or to show work. This class requires the use of a computer or mobile device with Internet access, a webcam, speakers, and microphone.
      Zero-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of required online instructional materials for this "Z Class" is $0.
    • Additional Notes: Recommendations: Eligibility for ENG101 and MAT122.
  • No books listed at the bookstore, contact instructor

EDU222: Introduction to the Exceptional Learner – 3 credits

Overview of the exceptional learner with emphasis on factors relating to current practices, identification, characteristics, and educational adaptations. Issues related to mild disabilities, severe disabilities, emotional and behavioral disorders, intellectual disabilities, and students who are gifted.
Prerequisites: None. Note: EDU222 requires an approved field experience.

General Education Designations: C, SB

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • T. Franklin
No Seats Available
    • Notes: 8-week class
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Low-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of the required materials for this course is $40 or less.

HES100: Healthful Living – 3 credits

Health and wellness and their application to an optimal life style. Explores current topics of interest such as stress management, nutrition, fitness, and environmental health. Evaluates common risk factors associated with modern lifestyles. Prerequisites: None.

General Education Designations: SB

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • E. Hopson
19 of 24 Seats Available
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
  • No books listed at the bookstore, contact instructor
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • E. Hopson
24 of 24 Seats Available
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Low-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of the required materials for this course is $40 or less.
  • No books listed at the bookstore, contact instructor

HIS102: History of Western Civilization 1789 to Present – 3 credits

Survey of the history of the Western world from the French Revolution to the present.
Prerequisites: None.

General Education Designations: G, H, HU, SB

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • A. Smith
21 of 24 Seats Available
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      5-week class
      Low-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of the required materials for this course is $40 or less.
  • No books listed at the bookstore, contact instructor

HIS103: United States History to 1865 – 3 credits

The political, economic, and social development of the United States from the Pre-Columbian period through the end of the Civil War (1865). Prerequisites: None.

General Education Designations: H, HU, SB

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
I5 6
In Person
Summer 2025
9:10AM – 11:10AM
  • D. Allen
21 of 24 Seats Available
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • B. Heaps
No Seats Available
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Flex Start Class
      5-week class

HIS104: United States History 1865 to Present – 3 credits

The political, economic, and social development of United States from 1865 to the present time. Prerequisites: None.

General Education Designations: H, SB

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • C. Leonard
14 of 24 Seats Available
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      5-week class

HIS105: Arizona History – 3 credits

The history of Arizona covering the Native American experience, Spanish colonial times, the Mexican national period, the U.S. federal territorial years, and its political and economic developments as a state. Prerequisites: None.

General Education Designations: H, SB

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • P. Hatcher
22 of 24 Seats Available
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      8-week class
      Low-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of the required materials for this course is $40 or less.

MGT229: Management and Leadership I – 3 credits

Covers management concepts and applications for business, industry, and government organizations. Prerequisites: None.

General Education Designations: SB

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • K. Swensen
14 of 24 Seats Available
  • Costs include MGT Course Fee: $0.00
    • Notes: 5-week class
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu

POS110: American National Government – 3 credits

Study of the historical backgrounds, governing principles, and institutions of the national government of the United States. Prerequisites: None.

General Education Designations: SB

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • C. Johnson
17 of 24 Seats Available
    • Notes: 5-week class
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu

PSY101: Introduction to Psychology – 3 credits

Overview of the study and methods of psychological science. Includes an introduction to subfields such as biopsychology, learning, memory, development, social, and psychological disorders.
Prerequisites: None.

General Education Designations: SB

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
LS 106
In Person
Summer 2025
9:10AM – 11:10AM
  • R. Alexander-Arntson
15 of 24 Seats Available
Glendale: North Campus
GCC North
In Person
Summer 2025
9:10AM – 11:10AM
  • K. Sypes
22 of 24 Seats Available
LS 106
In Person
Summer 2025
5:30PM – 8:10PM
  • L. Fyan
14 of 24 Seats Available
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • M. Jimenez
13 of 24 Seats Available
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Zero-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of required online instructional materials for this "Z Class" is $0.
      Students may access a free copy of the text at https://www.openstax.org/textbooks/psychology.
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • T. Malamuth
1 of 24 Seats Available
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Zero-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of required online instructional materials for this "Z Class" is $0.
      Students may access a free copy of the text at https://www.openstax.org/textbooks/psychology.
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • M. Milovic
20 of 24 Seats Available
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Zero-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of required online instructional materials for this "Z Class" is $0.
      Students may access a free copy of the text at https://www.openstax.org/textbooks/psychology.
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • S. Wise
24 of 24 Seats Available
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Zero-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of required online instructional materials for this "Z Class" is $0.
      Students may access a free copy of the text at https://www.openstax.org/textbooks/psychology.
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • D. McMillan
21 of 24 Seats Available
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Zero-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of required online instructional materials for this "Z Class" is $0.
      Students may access a free copy of the text at https://www.openstax.org/textbooks/psychology.
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • K. Dobson
20 of 24 Seats Available
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Zero-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of required online instructional materials for this "Z Class" is $0.
      Students may access a free copy of the text at https://www.openstax.org/textbooks/psychology.

PSY132: Psychology and Culture – 3 credits

Presents current knowledge about human diversity in behavior and culture using examples from a variety of contexts within western and global societies. Highlights topics in cross-cultural psychology, such as intergroup relations, diverse cognitive styles, ethnocentrism, gender, personality, emotion, language, communication, work and health. The role of enculturation throughout the lifespan will be explored to increase awareness of how behavioral and cognitive principles affect interactions in a multicultural world. Prerequisites: None.

General Education Designations: C, G, SB

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • J. Scott
12 of 24 Seats Available
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Low-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of the required materials for this course is $40 or less.
  • No books listed at the bookstore, contact instructor

PSY240: Developmental Psychology – 3 credits

Human development from conception through death. Includes biological, physical, cognitive, emotional, and sociocultural development across various ages. Note: Recommended for students majoring in nursing, education, behavioral, pre-med, and psychology. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in PSY101, or permission of Instructor.

General Education Designations: SB

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • K. Sokol
15 of 24 Seats Available
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • K. Sokol
24 of 24 Seats Available
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu

PSY250: Social Psychology – 3 credits

The scientific study of how people's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by other people and situations. Includes how we think about ourselves and others, persuasion and influence, sexual and romantic attraction, friendship and helping others, aggression and prejudice. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in PSY101, or permission of Instructor.

General Education Designations: SB

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • T. Malamuth
18 of 24 Seats Available
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Low-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of the required materials for this course is $40 or less.
  • No books listed at the bookstore, contact instructor

PSY266: Psychological Disorders – 3 credits

Distinguishes between healthy psychological functioning and psychological disorders. Includes topics in psychopathology such as problems with anxiety and depression, eating disorders, substance-use, schizophrenia, sexuality, and personality. Also covers causes and treatments of psychological disorders. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in PSY101, or permission of Instructor.

General Education Designations: SB

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • T. Dollar
14 of 24 Seats Available
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Students should log into Canvas and read the syllabus BEFORE buying the textbook.

REC120: Leisure and the Quality of Life – 3 credits

Overview of the historical, psychological, social, and cultural aspects of play, leisure, and recreation and their role in contemporary society. Nature of play and leisure behavior in human development within different cultures and the contribution play, recreation, and leisure make to the quality of life for individuals in today's society. Prerequisites: None.

General Education Designations: SB

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • J. Campbell
12 of 20 Seats Available
  • Costs include REC Course Fee: $0.00
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
  • No books listed at the bookstore, contact instructor

SBU200: Society and Business – 3 credits

The study and scientific inquiry of issues and demands placed on business enterprise by owners, customers, government, employees and society. Included are social, ethical and public issues and analysis of the social impact of business responses. Prerequisites: None.

General Education Designations: G, SB

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • J. Brooks
7 of 24 Seats Available
  • Costs include SBU Course Fee: $108.05
    • Notes: 5-week class
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Fee Includes All Materials
      Class 10066 costs include SBU Course Fee: $108.05

SOC101: Introduction to Sociology – 3 credits

The systematic study of social behavior and human groups, particularly the influence of culture, socialization, social structure, stratification, social institutions, differentiation by region, race, ethnicity, sex/gender, age, class, and socio/cultural change upon people's attitudes and behaviors. Prerequisites: None.

General Education Designations: SB

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • S. Yee
20 of 24 Seats Available
  • Costs include SOC Course Fee: $0.00
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      5-week class
      Open Educational Resources (OER) are learning, teaching, and research materials in any format and medium that reside in the public domain or have an open license copyright that permits no-cost access, re-use, re-purpose, retention, redistribution, and adaptation by others.
      Zero-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of required online instructional materials for this "Z Class" is $0.
      Students need to be seen for presentations or to show work. This class requires the use of a computer or mobile device with Internet access, a webcam, speakers, and microphone.
      Respondus Monitor
      This class requires online proctoring. Students are required to have a computer onto which they can download software, with Internet access, a microphone, and a webcam (internal or external) or an iPad with iOS10 or higher.
  • No books listed at the bookstore, contact instructor
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • S. Yee
24 of 24 Seats Available
  • Costs include SOC Course Fee: $0.00
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      5-week class
      Flex Start Class
      Zero-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of required online instructional materials for this "Z Class" is $0.
      Open Educational Resources (OER) are learning, teaching, and research materials in any format and medium that reside in the public domain or have an open license copyright that permits no-cost access, re-use, re-purpose, retention, redistribution, and adaptation by others.
      Students need to be seen for presentations or to show work. This class requires the use of a computer or mobile device with Internet access, a webcam, speakers, and microphone.
      Respondus Monitor
      This class requires online proctoring. Students are required to have a computer onto which they can download software, with Internet access, a microphone, and a webcam (internal or external) or an iPad with iOS10 or higher.
  • No books listed at the bookstore, contact instructor
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • R. Leamaster
11 of 24 Seats Available
  • Costs include SOC Course Fee: $0.00
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      5-week class
      Zero-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of required online instructional materials for this "Z Class" is $0.
      Open Educational Resources (OER) are learning, teaching, and research materials in any format and medium that reside in the public domain or have an open license copyright that permits no-cost access, re-use, re-purpose, retention, redistribution, and adaptation by others.
      Textbook link: https://openstax.org/details/books/introduction-sociology-3e
  • No books listed at the bookstore, contact instructor
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • R. Leamaster
23 of 24 Seats Available
  • Costs include SOC Course Fee: $0.00
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Flex Start Class
      5-week class
      Open Educational Resources (OER) are learning, teaching, and research materials in any format and medium that reside in the public domain or have an open license copyright that permits no-cost access, re-use, re-purpose, retention, redistribution, and adaptation by others.
      Zero-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of required online instructional materials for this "Z Class" is $0.
      Textbook link: https://openstax.org/details/books/introduction-sociology-3e
  • No books listed at the bookstore, contact instructor
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • A. Patrick-Rolando
23 of 24 Seats Available
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Flex Start Class
      8-week class
      Zero-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of required online instructional materials for this "Z Class" is $0.
      Open Educational Resources (OER) are learning, teaching, and research materials in any format and medium that reside in the public domain or have an open license copyright that permits no-cost access, re-use, re-purpose, retention, redistribution, and adaptation by others.
  • No books listed at the bookstore, contact instructor

SOC130: Human Sexuality – 3 credits

Sociological study of human sexuality. Course examines the social forces that shape a culture's sexual practices, attitudes, and inequalities. Topics include the social construction of sexuality, social change, sexual identities, sexual inequalities, institutional influence and regulation of sexuality, as well as current trends and issues surrounding human sexuality.
Prerequisites: None. Note: SOC130 contains mature adult content and some of the topics discussed may be considered "controversial" or "taboo" in some societies and cultures. Students are expected to be able to engage with the content in a respectful and open-minded way.

General Education Designations: SB

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • A. Patrick-Rolando
23 of 24 Seats Available
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Flex Start Class
      8-week class
      Open Educational Resources (OER) are learning, teaching, and research materials in any format and medium that reside in the public domain or have an open license copyright that permits no-cost access, re-use, re-purpose, retention, redistribution, and adaptation by others.
      Zero-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of required online instructional materials for this "Z Class" is $0.
  • No books listed at the bookstore, contact instructor

SOC212: Gender and Society – 3 credits

A sociological exploration of the way culture shapes and defines gender in contemporary U.S. society. Major emphasis on gender roles, gender stereotypes, power and the relationship between gender and other intersecting social identities such as race, ethnicity, class, and sexual identity. Prerequisites: None.

General Education Designations: C, SB

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • R. Leamaster
23 of 24 Seats Available
    • Notes: 8-week class
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      Low-Textbook-Cost Class: The total cost of the required materials for this course is $40 or less.
  • No books listed at the bookstore, contact instructor

SWU171: Introduction to Social Work – 3 credits

Analysis of contemporary social welfare services and professional social work.
Prerequisites: None.

General Education Designations: H, SB

Class# Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructors Availability
Online Class
Summer 2025
  • V. Bagby
16 of 24 Seats Available
    • Notes: ONLINE
      Online classes are completely asynchronous but may include optional synchronous components such as review sessions, office hours, etc.

      Students are required to have access to a computer/mobile device and Internet access, and a webcam may be necessary for specific classes.

      Students are required to submit an initial assignment due within the first few days of class.

      For information about how to get started, go to https://www.gccaz.edu/online/readiness. Click 'Canvas' link in column on the left and then click 'Log in to Canvas': https://learn.maricopa.edu
      5-week class