1. An Introduction to Intercultural Communication (Required)
    10th edition
    ISBN: 9781544383880
    Author: Jandt
    Estimated Price: $65.79 (new)
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  2. An Introduction to Intercultural Communication (Required)
    10th edition
    ISBN: 9781544383880
    Author: Jandt
    Estimated Price: $106.00 (new)
    New Retail Price: 106.00, Used Retail Price: 0.00. This is not a Rental Title. eBook Type: Web. eBook format: BryteWave Format.
  3. An Introduction to Intercultural Communication (Required)
    10th edition
    ISBN: 9781544383880
    Author: Jandt
    Estimated Price: $58.48 (new)
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  4. An Introduction to Intercultural Communication (Required)
    10th edition
    ISBN: 9781544383880
    Author: Jandt
    Estimated Price: $73.11 (new)
    New Retail Price: 73.11, Used Retail Price: 0.00. This is not a Rental Title. eBook Type: Web. eBook format: BryteWave Format.
  5. Intro to Intercultural Communication (Required)
    10th edition
    ISBN: 9781544383866
    Author: Jandt
    Estimated Price: $193.00 (new)
    New Retail Price: 193.00, Used Retail Price: 144.75, New Rental Fee: 0.00, Used Rental Fee: 81.06.