1. US: A Narrative History Volume 1: To 1877 (Required)
    9th edition
    ISBN: 9781265632236
    Author: Davidson
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  2. US: A Narrative History Volume 1: To 1877 (Required)
    9th edition
    ISBN: 9781265632236
    Author: Davidson
    Estimated Price: $77.75 (new)
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  3. US: A Narrative History: To 1877 (Vol 1)(RRMCG) (Required)
    9th edition
    ISBN: 9781260243048
    Author: Davidson
    Estimated Price: $240.00 (new)
    New Retail Price: 240.00, Used Retail Price: 180.00, New Rental Fee: 49.99, Used Rental Fee: 49.99.
  4. US: A Narrative History Volume 1: To 1877 (Required)
    9th edition
    ISBN: 9781265632236
    Author: Davidson
    Estimated Price: $60.00 (new)
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