1. Light on Yoga (Recommended)
    ISBN: 9780805210316
    Author: Iyengar
    Estimated Price: $22.00 (new)
    New Retail Price: 22.00, Used Retail Price: 16.50, New Rental Fee: 16.50, Used Rental Fee: 8.80.
  2. Anatomy of Movement (Recommended)
    ISBN: 9780939616572
    Author: Calais-Germain
    Estimated Price: $34.95 (new)
    New Retail Price: 34.95, Used Retail Price: 26.25, New Rental Fee: 26.21, Used Rental Fee: 13.98.
  3. Yogabody (Recommended)
    ISBN: 9781930485211
    Author: Lasater
    Estimated Price: $29.95 (new)
    New Retail Price: 29.95, Used Retail Price: 22.50. This is not a Rental Title.
  4. Yoga Anatomy (Recommended)
    3rd edition
    ISBN: 9781492596486
    Author: Kaminoff
    Estimated Price: $22.46 (new)
    New Retail Price: 22.46, Used Retail Price: 0.00. This is not a Rental Title. eBook Type: Web. eBook format: BryteWave Format.
  5. Yoga in Action: (Preliminary Course) (Recommended)
    ISBN: 9788187603016
    Author: Iyengar
    Estimated Price: $36.50 (new)
    New Retail Price: 36.50, Used Retail Price: 27.50, New Rental Fee: 27.38, Used Rental Fee: 14.60.
  6. Yoga Anatomy (Recommended)
    3rd edition
    ISBN: 9781492596486
    Author: Kaminoff
    Estimated Price: $16.22 (new)
    New Retail Price: 16.22, Used Retail Price: 0.00. This is not a Rental Title. eBook Type: Web. eBook format: BryteWave Format.
  7. Yoga a Gem for Women (Recommended)
    3rd edition
    ISBN: 9780931454981
    Author: Iyengar
    Estimated Price: $23.95 (new)
    New Retail Price: 23.95, Used Retail Price: 18.00. This is not a Rental Title.
  8. Yoga Anatomy (Recommended)
    3rd edition
    ISBN: 9781492596486
    Author: Kaminoff
    Estimated Price: $24.95 (new)
    New Retail Price: 24.95, Used Retail Price: 0.00. This is not a Rental Title. eBook Type: Web. eBook format: BryteWave Format.
  9. Yoga Anatomy (Recommended)
    3rd edition
    ISBN: 9781492596486
    Author: Kaminoff
    Estimated Price: $19.96 (new)
    New Retail Price: 19.96, Used Retail Price: 0.00. This is not a Rental Title. eBook Type: Web. eBook format: BryteWave Format.
  10. Yoga Anatomy (Recommended)
    3rd edition
    ISBN: 9781492596479
    Author: Kaminoff
    Estimated Price: $24.95 (new)
    New Retail Price: 24.95, Used Retail Price: 18.75. This is not a Rental Title.
  11. Anatomy of the Moving Body (Recommended)
    2nd edition
    ISBN: 9781556437205
    Author: Dimon
    Estimated Price: $21.95 (new)
    New Retail Price: 21.95, Used Retail Price: 16.50. This is not a Rental Title.